5-Star Films

Welcome to 5-Star Films, the site that points you in the right direction for another fantastic movie experience. Our recommendations are the result of avidly watching thousands of filmsĀ from over 100 years of cinema. While the majority of our favorites are English-speaking movies, we will occasionally throw in a foreign film that packs a punch. Our goal is for you to never waste another 2 hours with a bad movie ever again! We watched the “duds” so that you don’t have to.

Each week, we post new recommendations in either our Classics or Currents categories so you know what’s worth adding to your Netflix queue next. We also have weekly polls that we hope you enjoy participating in. We’re all about continuing the conversation of what makes movies special and relevant regardless of the type of story or when it was made. We welcome your comments since art appreciation (which is what we think true movie viewing really is) can result in fun, spirited discussions.

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